Travels With Buddha 10.20 — -Casa Sirica, above Shipwrecks Beach, Cabo del Este, Los Cabos, BCS, Mexico
“Admit that the waters around you have grown/And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone/If your time to you is worth savin’/Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone/For the times they are a-change’in”
This is Buddha. It has taken me most of a year to wrestle the laptop away from Mose Mosley. If you have been following his crazed meanderings, you will know that he has told some stretchers. Really don’t take anything you’ve read too seriously. The dude does not hesitate by letting the truth get in the way of a good story.
(In fairness, he defends himself with the theory that all of the stuff he says happened did really happen somewhere, sometime in the infinite multi-verse. He has a point. There is a whole lot of space in outer space, this dimension and the next, so who is to say what is reality? And a story is a story, altered and sculpted by the mere observation of the observer. Quantum literature.)
As I am soon leaving these pages, there is a simple wisdom that I want to leave you with.
Here it is: There is no God.
By which I mean there is no one that’s going to save your sorry ass. YOU are God my friends. It’s time you took responsibility for this. God is not only in every single one of you: Every single one of you is God-like.
I don’t know exactly how it got to this point and I don’t really care. But you have to accept the reality that for better or worse the human race, such that it is, has developed into the great creator and the great destroyer. If you go looking to Jesus, or Mohammad, or Shiva, or John Smith, or even Buddha to save you then you are looking in the WRONG direction. Wake up pal: You need to save yourself. Be God, god.
Certainly there are forces greater than humans alone or collectively. For one thing there is nature. Nature is dispassionate. She couldn’t care less whether or not your species survives. In fact the only species that gives a good gosh darn about human survival is, (yes, I see the light in your eyes, you are beginning to understand), homo sapiens sapiens.
Mother Nature, for whatever stupid reason, gave you big brains. Sure, from the present perspective, it seems like a big mistake. But, you know, everybody makes mistakes, even Nature. So now you just have to deal with it. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY !
Sorry if I’m shouting, it’s just sometimes you don’t seem to hear me.
The universe is vast. And that is only the part of it we can see through telescopes. Who knows what other universes/dimensions/ continuums are out there? Think of human knowledge as a big beach ball. The more it expands, the more surface area there is that intersects with the unknown. Yeah, the more you know, the more there is to discover. Pretty cool huh?
All I’m saying is that it would be great for you humans to keep going and exploring the unknown. It would be great to see what’s out there before you all shoot yourselves in the head.
So here’s some more advice. Put the gun down. Lift your chin up. Stare up into the sky and smile at how very very very much you don’t know.
Buddha will be watching from somewhere. He/me/we/she/it have great optimism.
Please don’t let yourselves down. That would be a shame.